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Kaya ChildCare

Early childhood development for the Kayayoo’s child.

Quality pre-primary education for every child

“…ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education”

– SDG Goal 4.2 –

Building critical foundations before primary school

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) 2013 and 2015 indicated that only 2% of children in primary 2 could read at their level, and 50% could not recognize a single word. A strong pre-primary ECD is critical for continued learning and success!

– Ghana Education Service (EGRA) –

Did You Know

41% of Kayayei have small children under 6years old..

who remain with them as they work in the markets carrying loads

Source: Parliament of Ghana report, 2016 →

Kayayei with babies on their back carry an average of 115%

of their body weight. A clear health risk when done over long periods of time


Our Model is designed to meet the need and unique lifestyle and working conditions of the Kayayoo mother and other low-income mothers who live and work on the streets and in markets in the urban areas.


Our center is located within a walking distance of the mother’s dwelling or the market, ensuring little to no cost to access. It also encourages the mother to bring her child daily without worrying about taking too much time off her morning work hours 


We engage with the mothers as partners. Therefore, sharing mutual respect and trust.  We work hand-in-hand and keep open communication to allow us maintain the child’s development trajectory even with disruptions in the mother’s schedule or work

Learning through play

We combine a variety of learning models to provide a smooth transition for the child from school to home. We use recycled learning material, and engage through play while remaining in sync with the Ghana Education Service pre-school curriculum

Partners & Donors

Ashesi University

Palestinian Women’s Club, Accra

Webster University